Stuffed Green Peppers
We have a mother load of green peppers and tomatoes so I thought this recipe was appropriate. It is pretty basic, but it is easy and yummy.
Stuffed Green Peppers
4-6 green peppers (depending on size)
1 onion, chopped
1 Tbsp coconut oil
1lb ground beef
1 C quinoa (soaked)*
4-5 tomatoes (depending on size)
2 Tbsp chopped parsley
salt & pepper
Wash green peppers and remove tops. Cut stem away and chop surrounding green pepper from top. Set chopped pepper aside. Remove ribs and seeds from green pepper shells and set aside.
Saute onion in oil until soft. Add beef, chopped green pepper, quinoa, and tomatoes. Stir mixture lightly and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and cover saucepan and simmer mixture 15-20 minutes, stirring once or twice. Remove from heat. Stir in parsley and S&P.
Heat oven to 350. Use a shallow baking dish to arrange peppers, and pour mixture into peppers, mounding stuffing on top of peppers if necessary. Pour 1/2 inch of remaining juice or water into baking dish. Bake until peppers are tender and stuffing is cooked through (about 45 minutes). Baste peppers once or twice with tomato juice.
*If you have time it is good to soak your quinoa. I soak 1 cup of quinoa in 2 cups of water for a few hours or overnight.