Post Tagged with: "Snacks"
Paleo Chocolate Pudding
Since I’m nursing I’m pretty much ALWAYS hungry. If I’m not eating then I’m thinking about eating…and if I’m not thinking bout eating then I’m thinking about what to make TO eat! Ha! Needless to say I LOVE me some food and I really enjoy creating new healthy food options. It is such a blessing to eat something that totally HIGH fat with zero regret. Why? Because we’re talking about good fat here, quality fat. And it’s so super important especially when you’re nursing a wee one. Food is fun! Just eat the good stuff people!! No trans fat, HFCS, […]
Kale Chips- 4 ways!
Kale is an amazing superfood. It is LOADED with many nutrients. It can be scary if you have never eaten it before but give it a try with this recipe and I promise you’ll become a fan of the kale club! Kale Chips with Parmesan “parmesan topping” 1/3 C walnuts 1/4 C nutritional yeast 1/2 tsp sea salt Blend in vitamix until it is a powder. Set aside. 1 head of dinosaur kale, destemed Place on dehydrator tray and brush with olive oil. Sprinkle parmesan topping over leaves and place in dehydrator for 4 hours. Eat it all up! Kale […]