Dairy Free
Power Packed Apple Sauce
Well, a lot has happened lately. I’ve been traveling, making kombucha, building a house, working, and leaving balled up underwear in my pant leg of my SKINNY jeans while I’m in public. I can’t lie about this stuff. It happened. For real. So first on the list, I got to attend the amazing Weston A. Price Foundation again this year. Last year was my first one and I pretty much told them to sign me up for life. It was an amazing time with speakers and friends and food. Okay, so it was really mostly about the food. The conference […]
Coconut Milk Whipped Cream
This is one of the BEST treats out there, especially topped on some fresh strawberries! And since “tis the season” for berries up here in NWA you should make some of this pronto! So the deal with coconut milk is it can totally vary brand to brand. Of course it’s best to buy organic but even that doesn’t always steer you clear of some of the extra additives that might be added. I typically stick only to Natural Value brand because it is just straight full fat coconut milk. Through many experiments of making coconut milk whipped cream with Thai Organic, […]
Salted Chocolate Almond Candy Bar
Lately my husband, (yes, I’m going to blame him for bringing this to our house and forcing me to eat them) has been buying this salted almond chocolate bars. Have you seen em? I believe they are from the devil. I always tell him, “okay, fine, just give me ONE square.” Has anyone ever just eaten ONE square!?! Probably never. Needless to say the madness had to stop and so I created what I thought would be a better option then the store bought candy bar. It was real tough testing all these to make sure I got it just […]
Paleo Snow Ice Cream
It snowed buckets here over the past couple of days and it is FREEZING! Not just outside but in my house! We’re renting this cute historic home while we build our new house. WELL, we signed up for this when it was all cute and fun and pleasant outside. I fell in love with all the gorgeous windows that I’m now cursing because you can literally feel the wind coming through the windows. I sleep with sweats, a fleece, 2 pairs of socks, […]
Blueberry Quinoa Breakfast Bowl
#3 breakfast bowl! Yay! I’m on a roll. Quinoa is AWESOME! It is grain like but it is actually a seed, so it passes for a gluten free diet. It is also very versatile, it can be eaten hot or cold and for breakfast, lunch or dinner. It works best for you to soak it first to make it more digestible. I suggest soaking for at least a couple of hours or overnight. It’s also a good idea to then strain and rinse the quinoa because it has a coating on the outside called saponin which can give it a […]
Apple Oat Breakfast Bowl
Breakfast bowl option #2 🙂 Apples are now in swing at the market so this is a perfect morning meal. Apple Oat Breakfast Bowl
Chia Seed Breakfast Pudding
Who says that breakfast has to always be cereal or eggs?? Breakfast is one of my favorite meals of the day and I always enjoy making breakfast bowls for my family. They are quick and easy to prepare and can be done the night before. You can always mix it up depending on the fruit that is in season. Chia seeds soaked the night before in the almond milk also make a nice pudding consistency…the longer you soak them the more thick it becomes. There are also many health benefits to incorporating chia seeds into your diet (weight loss, omega […]
Vanilla Ice Cream
You’ve gotten love some ice cream especially in the summertime when it’s nice and toasty outside. Ice cream makes me happy. And my ice cream maker makes me real happy. If you don’t have an ice cream maker ask for one for your birthday. It is such a treat and Iclick here It is so stinkin’ easy to whip this up, pour it in the ice cream maker and take a walk (this will make you feel better before you eat 2 bowls) and when you come home, viola! It’s ready! I’m sure I’ll be posting lots of ice cream […]
Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies
I have made these 3 times in the past 3 days, and I have to confess, I’ve only shared a few…um, ya, they are kinda addictive! I used chocolate chips once and cacao chips the other times. I like them both ways. I also think they would be extra delicious crumbled atop of some homemade ice vanilla ice cream…ooohhh, that sounds nice. I’ll try it out for ya 🙂 Mini Chocolate Chip Cookies
Fruit Dip
I’m still loving my strawberries so of course I use them to dip in this delicious dip, but you can use whatever strikes your fancy 🙂 This is easy peasy to make and will be a nice after dinner treat. It also makes a nice dish to take to a potluck with some fresh fruit. I hope you love it! Fruit Dip