Archive for May, 2014
Liver Shot- The BEST energy drink
I’m telling you this will change you life. Forget the toxic energy drinks out there, forget that morning coffee. This is the real deal. In case you missed my previous post on all the amazing benefits of organ meat you can check it out here. Also some of my favorite bloggers have written some great articles on the benefits of liver here and here. So where in the world did I get the outrageous idea to start shooting down some liver? Well, even though I know all the amazing benefits of eating organ meat, I really am only able to […]
Sneaky Organ Meat
Don’t stop reading yet. Organ meat is one of the best ways to get tons of nutrients that you cannot get in any other food. Did you know that organ meat was considered the prized meat of many traditional cultures? In fact, some tribes only ate the organ meat and tossed the lean muscle meat! Organ meat is extremely rich in all fat soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids and tons of trace minerals. Not that long ago families would eat liver and onions once a week. Now recommendations have gone against this practice due the fear of toxins in […]