Archive for February, 2011
#5 Superfood Balls!
Happy Valentines Day! I hope you have enjoyed your 5 days of ball recipes. Give me your feedback on how you like them. Okay so on to #5, Superfood balls! Don’t let these ingredients scare you. Most of them can be found at your local natural foods market. If you can’t find them there, anything can be ordered on the internet these days (and stay tuned because I will eventually have a store on my site where you can purchase all kind of goodies :-)) These are totally yummy and beware because they disappear fast! Seriously. Who need a processed […]
#4 Carrot Cake Balls
Day #4 Carrot Cake Balls So I just tried this recipe for the first time today. (I promise I wouldn’t have posted it if it didn’t turn out). And what do ya know…low and behold, it worked! These will definitely be a repeat in our house. Carrot Cake Balls 1/2 C walnuts 1/2 C almonds 4 dates, pitted 1/4 C raisins 1/4 C coconut flakes 1 large carrot, grated 1 1/2 Tbsp coconut oil dash of cinnamon Process nuts until finely chopped. Add raisins and dates and process again. Add remaining ingredients until everything sticks together. Roll into balls and […]
#3 Chocolate Treat Balls
Day #3 CHOCOLATE! Chocolate Treat Balls 1 1/2 C walnuts 3/4 C raisins 1 Tbsp honey 1 1/2 Tbsp cacao powder coconut flakes for rolling (optional) Process walnuts in food processor until finely chopped. Add raisins and process again. Add remaining ingredients and process until it all sticks together. Roll in coconut flakes if desired. Yum!
#2 Trail Mix Balls
DAY #2- Trail Mix Balls! I cannot keep enough of these on hand, I make em, they’re gone, I make more, they’re gone and it goes on and on… Jude would stuff 10 in his mouth at a time if I would let him. Needless to say they make a delicious snack and are easy to make! Trail Mix Balls 6 dried apricots 5 dried figs 3 dates 1/4 C sunflower seeds 1/4 C almonds If you need more stickiness you can add some raisins or more dried fruit. I also added some coconut oil. Place all ingredients in food […]
#1 Key Lime Balls
5 DAYS OF BALLS! For the next five days I’ll be posting a different ball recipe, some more trail mixy and some more desserty 🙂 Okay so the thought of this theme made me all giggly, but I can only blame that on the old SNL episode with Alec Baldwin aka Pete Schwetty. Ha! If you haven’t seen it, you must watch it, it’s good for a some laughs. Here is the link 🙂—schweddy-balls/2846 Okay so back at the task at hand…I decided to do this because many people have been requesting healthy snack recipes. Balls are totally easy […]
Dreamsicle Delight
Do you remember Flintstone push-pops? Well this is it (in drink form). I LOVED those things but this recipe is obviously a LOT better for you and so stinkin’ easy! LOVE IT!! Dreamsicle Delight 1 orange 1/2 C vanilla almond milk ( 1/2 C ice Blend it up and enjoy. Yum!
Banana/Carrot/Orange Juice
Fresh Juice is the best of the best and SUPER easy to make in the vitamix. Most juices are concentrated and packed with sugar so this is a much better alternative. Banana/Carrot/Orange Juice 1/2 banana 1 carrot, peeled and chopped 1 orange peeled 1/2 C ice 1/2 C water Add all ingredients to the blender and blend to a nice juice consistency. Yum!!
Arugula/ Spinach Salad + Simple Salad Dressing + “Parmesan”
TWO posts in one day!! That is what happens when you have a snow day. AND I actually got out of my pj’s, so I thought I could catch up on some recipes I’ve been wanting to post for a while. If it stays snowy you might just get 3 recipes tomorrow 🙂 So I don’t know portions very well for this recipe but I’ll do my best. Salad Dressing: 2 Tbsp coconut aminos or braggs 2 Tbsp vinegar (I used coconut vinegar but sometimes I’ll use apple cider vinegar) 4 Tbsp water 1 C extra virgin olive oil Put […]
Coconut Sweet Potato Pie AKA Poo Poo Pie
I know, I know you can’t believe I would post something with coconut…Ha! I found this recipe from Mothering magazine and it has absolutely blessed my house! We already enjoy sweet potatoes but this has taken it to a whole new level. Oh ya, it’s also known as “poo poo pie” in my house because when I first started making it Jude’s way to say sweet potato pie was sw..po po pie, so there you have it! Who needs sweet potato pie when you can have poo poo pie!?! LOVE IT!! Coconut Sweet Potato Pie Crust: 1 C pecans or […]