Paleo Friendly
Paleo Snow Ice Cream
It snowed buckets here over the past couple of days and it is FREEZING! Not just outside but in my house! We’re renting this cute historic home while we build our new house. WELL, we signed up for this when it was all cute and fun and pleasant outside. I fell in love with all the gorgeous windows that I’m now cursing because you can literally feel the wind coming through the windows. I sleep with sweats, a fleece, 2 pairs of socks, […]
Nourishing Bone Broth
“Good broth will resurrect the dead,” says a South American proverb. Said Escoffier: “Indeed, stock is everything in cooking. Without it, nothing can be done.” I took this quote from the Weston Price website. If you’ve never visited the site, you should check it out. There is a wealth of information there. I’ve been making my own stock now for quite some time. The nutritional benefits from making your own stock (and for avoiding the toxic store bought stuff) are HUGE! Some say it can cure colds/increase your immune system, build strong bones, be a digestive aid/gut healer, joint support, […]
Loaded Sweet Potato + dairy free sour cream
Inspired by a photo I saw from The Urban Poser-gah, I LOVE that lady, I decided to give it a whirl and the results were AMAZING! So amazing that Denny wanted to eat it again tonight for dinner! This dinner is pretty darn simple, although you do need to think ahead a bit to prep the sour cream. I thought I read some where about making your own coconut sour cream but I didn’t get to experiment so I ended up with this dairy free sour cream with a cashew base. (Side note- it is also really good dipped with […]
Caramel or Almond Butter Candy Cups
Uh wha??? Candy!?! Yep, that’s right. Just in time to make a little treat for your sweetie for valentines day. I was so thrilled how these turned out and how “official candy looking” they look! The best part is that they are pretty easy to make. ****UPDATE**** Oh my o my! Life changing- thats all… These things are amazing with homemade almond butter and you will flip your lid. I kept telling Jude, “just wait babe, when you try these, you’re gonna flip your lid.” And he was all “what lid mom, what are you talking about?” Haha 🙂 So […]
Sauteed Cabbage and Sausage
It was approaching the dinner hour and I had no idea what I was making. If you know my house then you know that is a sign of immediate danger. Hungry kids+hungry hubby+no plan= bad night. So what to do in a hurry? I like to keep some local sausage handy in the freezer for these times. It’s fast and easy and always delicious. So as luck would have it we had some old soul beef brats in the freezer. I thawed them out and cooked them at 375 for about 30 minutes. While they where baking I prepared the […]
Snacky Coconut Chips
Well, you know it wouldn’t be on here if it wasn’t coconut! So here is a super duper easy recipe for a little salty snack. Coconut Chips
Pumpkin Pancakes with Pumpkin Butter and Vanilla Cream Sauce
Wow, what a title! Since I was planning to make some pancakes in the morning AND I just so happened to have some cooked pumpkin on hand, I decided to get fancy on ya. Don’t feel like you have to jazz these up, the pancakes are good just by themselves too. This is a super easy recipe. Just follow my almond flour pancake recipe and then add 1/2 C cooked pumpkin, a little cinnamon and nutmeg and you’re off to the races! If you’re planning to go fancy schmancy, follow this link the vanilla cream sauce recipe And then Follow […]
How to Cook a Pumpkin
Since the weather is getting a bit chilly these days and Autumn is fully upon us that only means one thing-BAKING! Yay! I’m so thrilled that I can back delicious healthy treats without wheat, sugar or dairy! And they are always amazing, even the not so pretty ones still get gobbled up! I especially like to bake treats with pumpkin. Its super easy to make your own pumpkin puree versus the canned version. So here is your easy peasy how to: And viola! Stay tuned for more pumpkin recipes coming your way!