21 Day Sugar Detox and more!
I jokingly mentioned doing a 21 DSD on a facebook post a while back, and what ended up happening was a lot more. Now, this wasn’t my first rodeo, I’ve done the program twice before this point, and so going forward I decided to elaborate on my intention. Maybe because my body was ready to detox in other ways too. So I moved forward (without sugar, without alcohol and without dark chocolate…I know, I already said sugar, but DC has a category of it’s own in my world) for 21 days. Well, it was actually 20 days because one night […]
Paleo f(x)
I was so lucky I had the opportunity to attend Paleo f(x) in Austin last weekend. Austin holds a special place in my heart because I grew up right outside of the city in a town called Round Rock. So when I saw the conference was being held there, and my parents could watch the littles for us it was a WIN WIN. Not to mention my favorite ice cream place is there, Lick Ice Cream, but unfortunately we didn’t make it there during the right hours…waaahhhhhh!!!! I did make up for missing my ice cream by eating at a local […]
Not food related- Foaming Hand Soap!
I know this isn’t food, but it is health related and so easy! I had to share! We go through soap pretty fast at our office so I decided we needed a better way then to keep buying it by the bucket. I found an article about using castile soap in tons of different ways and so I tried it for our hand soap (also just made homemade laundry detergent and shampoo!) Ready for this? So so easy! I bought a foaming hand soap dispenser at Bed, Bath and Beyond, for $8 with my handy 20% off coupon 🙂 Then […]
Chocolate Cake
I was searching for a yummy chocolate cake recipe for a friend of mine and came across this on nourishingmeals.com. I was very super tasty although my creation turned out a little lumpy and the icing was grey but hey who cares, right? Here is the link to the cake recipe http://www.nourishingmeals.com/2009/02/gluten-free-vegan-sugar-free-chocolate.html *I did the modification of adding the chia seeds instead of the xanthum gum and it worked great! I didn’t use the frosting recipe included on the post, but instead I made some Cashew Cream Frosting. I thought it worked really well with the cake but the color […]
OMG steak marinade
Consider yourselves very lucky that I thought to take a picture of this (notice the bad quality) before I wolfed it down and about licked the plate…my husband actually did, but thats normal. Steak Marinade 1/4 C olive oil 1/4 C balsamic vinegar 1/4 C worcestershire sauce 1/4 C braggs liquid aminos 2 tsp stone ground mustard 3 crushed garlic cloves salt and pepper Mix all ingredients together and pour over steak (http://www.organiccattle.com/). I left mine on there for a couple of hours. After I placed the steaks on the grill I poured the remaining liquid over some sliced onion […]
Cleanse Recipes-Zucchini Pasta with Mushrooms (and chicken if you want)
I’m in week 2 of the 21 day Standard Process Detox and Cleanse. It’s going good, don’t get me wrong, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows but I am feeling good and I have great energy. I can tell a difference in how my skin feels already, it’s softer and more clear, I’ll take it! This is a tasty little dish. I decided to add some chicken on top since that is approved after day 10. If you’re feeling really saucy you could also sprinkle some “parmesan” on top- see http://eatinginnately.com/?s=sprinkles. Enjoy! Zucchini Pasta with Mushrooms 2 zucchini, peeled 8 […]
Cleanse Recipes-Veggie Wraps
Mmmmm…these were tasty! So I have been mowing down some serious veggies while doing my 3 week cleanse…even more then normal. Seems like you get into a routine with buying the same stuff always and so only eating fruits and veggies (with a little meat toward the end) for 3 weeks will force you out of your box just for the sake of something different. I have never bought collard greens before and they are just perfect for wrapping! I didn’t get a chance to do a video for this one and the picture isn’t that great, but they taste […]
Clean it up!
Hello Everyone! It’s that time of year again, let the doors fly open, pry those windows open and get some fresh air!! Yay!!!!! I LOVE warm, sunny weather!!! This time of year is also “spring cleaning”- with a new season upon us it is always refreshing to get out with the old and in with the new. I am also inspired when the weather turns warm to be outside, to move, and I crave salads and smoothies 🙂 This season is also a perfect time to not only clean up and organize your house but the most treasured temple of […]
Ghetti and MEATBALLS!
Don’t tell my dad about this post. He is half Italian and would be pretty upset knowing his good ‘ol pasta is being substituted for squash. But seriously, it looks just like spaghetti and tastes…well, I’m not gonna lie and say it is equal to pasta, BUT it is really good. Now you don’t need to worry about being all congested and snotty afterward 🙂 “Spaghetti” 1 spaghetti squash, cut in half and seeds removed. Place squash cut side down in a large pyrex dish, bake at 350 for about an hour or until soft and comes out spaghetti like […]
EASY Delicious Garlic Crockpot Chicken
Seriously. SO EASY. It will shock you how fast you can whip this up and how wonderfully delicious it will turn out. Don’t let the amount of garlic scare you. It is not overpowering at all. Garlic is so great for your immune system so this chicken is a must for a nice soothing meal. EASY Delicious Garlic Crockpot Chicken 1 large free range chicken ~4 lbs 3 stalks of celery 35 cloves of garlic, unpeeled 2 Tbsp rosemary 2 Tbsp parsley 2 Tbsp thyme salt and pepper Rinse chicken a pat dry. Place celery stalks in the bottom of […]