Archive for November, 2012
Pumpkin Pancakes with Pumpkin Butter and Vanilla Cream Sauce
Wow, what a title! Since I was planning to make some pancakes in the morning AND I just so happened to have some cooked pumpkin on hand, I decided to get fancy on ya. Don’t feel like you have to jazz these up, the pancakes are good just by themselves too. This is a super easy recipe. Just follow my almond flour pancake recipe and then add 1/2 C cooked pumpkin, a little cinnamon and nutmeg and you’re off to the races! If you’re planning to go fancy schmancy, follow this link the vanilla cream sauce recipe And then Follow […]
How to Cook a Pumpkin
Since the weather is getting a bit chilly these days and Autumn is fully upon us that only means one thing-BAKING! Yay! I’m so thrilled that I can back delicious healthy treats without wheat, sugar or dairy! And they are always amazing, even the not so pretty ones still get gobbled up! I especially like to bake treats with pumpkin. Its super easy to make your own pumpkin puree versus the canned version. So here is your easy peasy how to: And viola! Stay tuned for more pumpkin recipes coming your way!