Archive for March, 2012
Who doesn’t love some good ‘ole meatloaf?? This recipe has been a staple in our house for a while now and even though it makes a lot we hardly ever have to much left over for lunch….thanks to my hungry boys. Please pray for me when Jude becomes a teenager! Here is the proof below, a happy Jude, happy belly and a happy plate 🙂 Meatloaf
Yummy in my Tummy Granola
Wahoo! I LOVE yogurt but gave it up when I eliminated dairy from my diet. But then I found coconut milk yogurt at ONF, and I fell back in love with eating yogurt for breakfast. The downside is that it is a bit pricey… So for every will there is a way! I came across a delicious yogurt recipe on the spunky coconut blog- I just love her and all her recipes, so I wanted to share the link with you to make your own yogurt…if you choose…otherwise buy it at the store and make your own granola!! Granola is […]
Hello, it’s Mandy…I know it’s been a while…I’m working on it! I think of you people everyday and want to post a million recipes BUT the later part of my pregnancy wore me out and now you know whats on the other side of that…a baby! She is precious and wonderful but so time consuming…geez! 🙂 Since daddy and Jude went to the park and little miss decided to snooze (see pic below), I had time to post a recipe-yay!! I feel like when mid afternoon hits I’m always craving something crunchy. I think I look in my pantry every […]