Archive for April, 2011
Cleanse Recipes-Zucchini Pasta with Mushrooms (and chicken if you want)
I’m in week 2 of the 21 day Standard Process Detox and Cleanse. It’s going good, don’t get me wrong, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows but I am feeling good and I have great energy. I can tell a difference in how my skin feels already, it’s softer and more clear, I’ll take it! This is a tasty little dish. I decided to add some chicken on top since that is approved after day 10. If you’re feeling really saucy you could also sprinkle some “parmesan” on top- see Enjoy! Zucchini Pasta with Mushrooms 2 zucchini, peeled 8 […]
Cleanse Recipes-Veggie Wraps
Mmmmm…these were tasty! So I have been mowing down some serious veggies while doing my 3 week cleanse…even more then normal. Seems like you get into a routine with buying the same stuff always and so only eating fruits and veggies (with a little meat toward the end) for 3 weeks will force you out of your box just for the sake of something different. I have never bought collard greens before and they are just perfect for wrapping! I didn’t get a chance to do a video for this one and the picture isn’t that great, but they taste […]
Clean it up!
Hello Everyone! It’s that time of year again, let the doors fly open, pry those windows open and get some fresh air!! Yay!!!!! I LOVE warm, sunny weather!!! This time of year is also “spring cleaning”- with a new season upon us it is always refreshing to get out with the old and in with the new. I am also inspired when the weather turns warm to be outside, to move, and I crave salads and smoothies 🙂 This season is also a perfect time to not only clean up and organize your house but the most treasured temple of […]
Fruit Smoothie
LOVE LOVE smoothies! Especially when it is warm outside, nothing is as refreshing as a healthy smoothie. I hardly ever make the same smoothie twice because it totally depends on what is in season or what I have on hand. You know me though, one thing is guaranteed-it will have coconut is some form or another 🙂 Drink it up! Fruit Smoothie 1 orange, peeled 1/2 C pineapple 1 kiwi, peeled 1/2 C vanilla almond milk (or water) handful of spinach ice Blend and drink up. Yum!
Green Eggs!!
So I have been meaning to do a video of this for literally 2 weeks but every time I make it I’m still in my pj’s and definitely NOT video worthy to say the least. AND THEN- I finally pull it together-I shower, ingredients ready, camera man on hand, and then it just doesn’t work out (baby mad, I crack the eggs and get shells in the blender, etc etc etc!)…So forget it! No video! You don’t really need a video for this anyway. It’s easy breezy. Green Eggs 2 kale leaves or a good handful of spinach 4 eggs […]