Archive for June, 2014
Homemade Sports Drink
It’s hot. And I’m sweaty. Do you ever feel like have a cold drink after being outside in the summer or after a good workout? Just water doesn’t sound good and you know sports drinks are full of crap, you know that right? I mean flame retardants in your drink just never seemed liked a good idea to me. Not to mention the food coloring, high fructose corn syrup, and other food additives…blah! It’s super easy to make your own and only takes 4 simple ingredients. #1 Water. #2 Himalayan Sea Salt– this is where you’ll get 83 different minerals […]
Coconut Milk Whipped Cream
This is one of the BEST treats out there, especially topped on some fresh strawberries! And since “tis the season” for berries up here in NWA you should make some of this pronto! So the deal with coconut milk is it can totally vary brand to brand. Of course it’s best to buy organic but even that doesn’t always steer you clear of some of the extra additives that might be added. I typically stick only to Natural Value brand because it is just straight full fat coconut milk. Through many experiments of making coconut milk whipped cream with Thai Organic, […]