Archive for January, 2013
Caramel or Almond Butter Candy Cups
Uh wha??? Candy!?! Yep, that’s right. Just in time to make a little treat for your sweetie for valentines day. I was so thrilled how these turned out and how “official candy looking” they look! The best part is that they are pretty easy to make. ****UPDATE**** Oh my o my! Life changing- thats all… These things are amazing with homemade almond butter and you will flip your lid. I kept telling Jude, “just wait babe, when you try these, you’re gonna flip your lid.” And he was all “what lid mom, what are you talking about?” Haha 🙂 So […]
Sauteed Cabbage and Sausage
It was approaching the dinner hour and I had no idea what I was making. If you know my house then you know that is a sign of immediate danger. Hungry kids+hungry hubby+no plan= bad night. So what to do in a hurry? I like to keep some local sausage handy in the freezer for these times. It’s fast and easy and always delicious. So as luck would have it we had some old soul beef brats in the freezer. I thawed them out and cooked them at 375 for about 30 minutes. While they where baking I prepared the […]
The BEST popcorn
Although popcorn isn’t the best for the ‘ol paleo way of eating, it sure is delicious and makes a nice every once in a while treat. It should be noted that you want to purchase organic non-GMO popcorn. (Corn, soy, and wheat are the bigges for having GMO’s) And PUH-lease skip the microwave, eek! This recipe is so easy and much much better for you than the toxic load that comes in the the microwave stuff. I googled the ingredient list for the flavored microwave bags…are you ready? Here ya go: ORVILLE REDENBACHER’S, MICROWAVE SHAKEABLES, REAL RANCH POPCORN INGREDIENTS: Popcorn […]
So Proud
Did I show you this yet? I tell ya, those kale chips are pretty darn tasty! Some of the other answers were pizza, ice cream, chocolate etc. And ya know what? That would probably be the case with Jude as well if we didn’t role model for him. And don’t get me wrong, Jude loves his fair share of the toxic stuff (that’s what we call it around here) but he loves his kale too. I believe that those little eyes are always watching you and so the best way to show your child how to eat is by making […]
Snacky Coconut Chips
Well, you know it wouldn’t be on here if it wasn’t coconut! So here is a super duper easy recipe for a little salty snack. Coconut Chips