Archive for October, 2012

Not food related- Foaming Hand Soap!

Not food related- Foaming Hand Soap!


Posted: October 25, 2012

I know this isn’t food, but it is health related and so easy! I had to share! We go through soap pretty fast at our office so I decided we needed a better way then to keep buying it by the bucket. I found an article about using castile soap in tons of different ways and so I tried it for our hand soap (also just made homemade laundry detergent and shampoo!) Ready for this? So so easy! I bought a foaming hand soap dispenser at Bed, Bath and Beyond, for $8 with my handy 20% off coupon 🙂 Then […]

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Paleo Chocolate Pudding

Paleo Chocolate Pudding

Since I’m nursing I’m pretty much ALWAYS hungry. If I’m not eating then I’m thinking about eating…and if I’m not thinking bout eating then I’m thinking about what to make TO eat! Ha! Needless to say I LOVE me some food and I really enjoy creating new healthy food options. It is such a blessing to eat something that totally HIGH fat with zero regret. Why? Because we’re talking about good fat here, quality fat. And it’s so super important especially when you’re nursing a wee one. Food is fun! Just eat the good stuff people!! No trans fat, HFCS, […]

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