Archive for March, 2010
Coconut Oil
Many of the recipes on this blog call for coconut oil. It has been a running joke that I am half-coconut. I absolutely LOVE it in all forms…shredded, flakes, milk, young coconuts, mature coconuts, coconut oil, coconut water…you name it, if it comes from a coconut I’ll eat it 🙂We buy coconut oil in bulk from have a great website with lots of good information so check it out!
Garlic Burgers with Pepper Cheese and Guacamole
De-li-cious!!! I am a big fan of Denny’s garlic burgers but this made them extra special! Garlic Burgers garlic and beef (haha…it really is that easy!) We normally use 3-4 cloves and mix in with 1 pound grass feed beef and then grill to your liking with sea salt and black pepper. Guacamole You can get fancy with this, but we were going for a fast and easy supper. I used 1 and half avocados, fresh lime juice and garlic salt to taste. Black Pepper Cheeze 1 C cashews (soaked mine for a few hours)Juice of 1 lemon (~2 Tbsp)2 […]
Lemon Pudding Coconut Cupcakes
These take a little bit of time, but are sooooo worth it! What a great alternative to take to a birthday party! Lemon Pudding 1/3 C cashews1 1/2 bananas1/4 C lemon juice (1-2 lemons)1 Tbsp agave syrup Cupcakes 2 1/2 C pecans1/2 C shredded coconutpinch of sea salt5 pitted dates3 Tbsp alcohol free vanilla extract**** Topping 1/2 C shaved coconut ****I missed the “alcohol free” on the vanilla extract and mine apparently had alcohol in it and whew! it was a bit alcohol-ly tasting, so I would either use a whole vanilla bean or decrease the amount if you don’t […]
SOURCES-Grass Fed Beef & Free Range Chickens
The beef guy is Richard Potter and his number is 417-435-2250. Website is and his email is [email protected]. Free Range Chickens come from Justin and Elizabeth Lingle. Their home number is 479-846-2334.
Taco Salad with Nacho Cheese
Threw together a last minute salad for dinner… I sauteed ground beef* and onion with “taco seasoning” (chili powder, garlic, s&p, cayenne), andthen placed it on some mixed greens with avocado. You could add more veggies if you have time. Topped it off with Nacho “Cheese” Nacho Cheeze 1 C macadamia nuts (I used cashews b/c I had them on hand)Juice of 1 lemon, about 2 Tbsp.1/2 Tbsp. Braggs Liquid Aminos1/2 Tbsp. tumeric1 tsp cayenne1/2 C water Process nuts, lemon juice, braggs, tumeric and cayenne and slowly add just enough water for desired consistency. *Grass fed, grass finished beef (see […]
Chocolate Mousse
Chocolate Mousse….wow! yum yum! 4 pitted medjool dates, soaked 1/4 C honey or maple syrup 1/2 tsp vanilla extract 3/4 C mashed avocado (1 1/2 avocado) 1/4 C plus 2 Tbsp cocoa powder 1/4 C water Add all ingredients to vita-mix and viola! We added some fresh strawberries and then I decided to get creative and layer the mousse with Vanilla Creme Sauce (see recipe below) Vanilla Creme Sauce 1 C soaked raw cashews 1/4 C plus 2 Tbsp water 2 Tbsp honey or maple syrup 1 tsp vanilla extract or 1 vanilla bean Place all ingredients in blender and […]
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wa)
Quinoa is not a grain, but is actually the seed of the Chenopodium or Goosefoot plant. The quinoa seed is high in protein, calcium and iron, and contains an almost perfect balance of all eight essential amino acids. What a wonderful food! I have a couple of recipes that I use, but this one is my favorite, and I like it hot or cold. 1/2 C red onion, chopped2 tsp fresh garlic, minced1 Tbsp coconut oil1-2 carrots, grated1 C quinoa, rinsed and drained2 C water1/4 tsp sea salt Rinse grain under cold water to remove coating. Melt coconut oil in […]