Green Eggs!!
So I have been meaning to do a video of this for literally 2 weeks but every time I make it I’m still in my pj’s and definitely NOT video worthy to say the least. AND THEN- I finally pull it together-I shower, ingredients ready, camera man on hand, and then it just doesn’t work out (baby mad, I crack the eggs and get shells in the blender, etc etc etc!)…So forget it! No video! You don’t really need a video for this anyway. It’s easy breezy.
Green Eggs
2 kale leaves or a good handful of spinach
4 eggs
1 garlic clove (optional)
Blend all in blender, and then cook as normal. Top with a little S&P. Yum!
Yummo! Definitely trying this one!
I hope you love it as much as we do, it has been only eggs Dr. Seuss style around here lately 🙂
Yes! We ate these and they were tasty!
Mmmm! We do this quite often with the 4yr old, and she loves ’em too! And now that we have the babe, she’s been LOVIN’ egg yolk (& NOT lovin’ her greens)…so…today we pureed a handful of spinach with 5 egg yolks, and she gobbled up the green eggs! We split it up into about 4 servings 😉 — saving some for later!